A 44-year Leesburg resident, Burk has demonstrated her devotion to public service as a member of the Leesburg Town Council for over nine years, as Leesburg’s representative on the County Board of Supervisors for four years, and as a special education public school teacher for 34 years.
Burk’s service to Leesburg and Loudoun continues with her support of Friends of Leesburg Public Art, the Loudoun County League of Women Voters, and the Loudoun Wildlife Conservation. She served as a former President of the Loudoun Education Association. Her valuable contributions to Loudoun were recognized when she received the 2001 Loudoun Woman of the Year award from the Loudoun Commission on Women. Burk is particularly proud of founding the annual Youth Job Fair in Loudoun. This program has reached almost 1500 job applicants for the past six years.
Other highlights of her service to the Town include the founding of “Keep Leesburg Beautiful” events, obtaining funding for the Sycolin Bridge, supporting the Miller Drive expansion, and securing access to the county water line to protect Leesburg residents in the event of an emergency. She initiated a minority outreach program through the creation of the Leesburg Diversity Task Force.
Kelly Burk grew up in Falls Church. She received her BA from George Washington University and her MA from Virginia Tech. She lives in Leesburg with her husband Larry and her two sons, Brendan and Tom, daughter-in-law Briana, and grandchildren Samuel and Maggie, live in the area.
“Kelly works hard for the people of Leesburg every day.
She cares about our town and she is tireless in advocating for
our taxpayers and our small businesses.”
Kristen Umstattd, Leesburg District Supervisor